Tuesday, 5 January 2010


Why do tv series have to be just that, series which can end be cancelled and have AGES waiting between seasons. I am a series maniac. Here are just a few... invasion, which stopped on a GIANT cliffhanger after the first season, a town called eureka which i think is going to end next season, ugly betty which is still going strong! lark rise to candle ford which is starting again on sunday, bones which i am wayyyy behind on and my newest, giantest obsession of them all
FRINGE, and if you want to look at fringepedia click here... actually dont click as the hyperlink aparently isnt working. Anyway KASHA! can tell you that i am obsessed, i get serious i try to figure out the plot lines before they air, and i SHALL unlock the glyph alphabet. Plus its really got me into the fibinachi sequence, a sequence of numbers where the next number is the sum of the previous two number, i have memorized the sequence until the 16 number and it goes like: 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89,144,233,377,610. 16 is 4 times 4 but that square does not enter the sequence so you cannot make a fibinachi spiral with this square, just a weird square thing.

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