Monday 12 April 2010

Left alone by themselves flower pots multiply like bunnies.

I collected everysingle flower pot i could find in my grand lower garden today, because her dogs have a habit of stealing them and taking them PLACES. Yus just places with there gay abandoment issues.
Thats about 30 flowerpots!
And there wernt that many three days ago...

I also decided to take some artsy flower photos today because ive been very creative! also been knitting spinning and generaly being a old fashiond granny.

hehe giant picture that i LOVE.
see some of my other pictures here:

Anyway i was watching the news AGAIN today and i saw that both gordon brown and david cameron have both lost children, my grandmother then said, and yes she really said this! "God its all such a ploy tryng to get us to feel sympathetic so they can stay in power!"
So dead children=getting into goverment!?
Acording to my granny dearest yes.
Yes it does.

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