Watching the election debate on itv tonight.
Tie count.
Nick clegg, yellow. lib dem colour.
David cameron, blu. Tory colour.
Gorfon brown, pink. Just wrong colour.
Forehead movement count!
Nick clegg, minimul movement.
David cameron, full forehead movement.
Gordon brown, no upper facial movement.
Yes Gordon its noticable.
Nick clegg just said that he was in a hospital treating terminal ill babies. When did Clegg become a doctor!? i did not know this either! poor choice of words there, if i had a terminaly ill child a politian came into the building i would change hospitals.
David cameron managaed to change the subject to some womans house is getting robbed---
wait Nick clegg your angry?! plese tell your forehead that.
some womans house getting robbed to him visiting a drug rehab centre, and Brown changed it to his father and brother running a youth clun and helping out a load of children. Where was Brown during this? Somewere playing rugby proberly. Clegg saying he has visited some peoples house who has been burgled.
Get back to the question plese gentleman.
"you cant airbrush these problems like you airbrush your posters Mr cameron" HELL YES GORDON YOU ATTACK HIS SHINY GIANT FOREHEAD!
How is cutting the house of lords going to help anything? Its just going to make it easier to fill it with the primministers bested buddies.
Funny how David will say that libril and labour MP's are still in investigation against the expensive scandles but no conservative MP's.
Slightly fishy i say...
Dear Gordon, if your going to say that someone supports you make sure that they do beforehand so you dont make a doofus of yourself infront of the nation.
Also it makes Nick Clegg look like a confused and partly startled deer.
Ever notice how gordon browns hair goes from white to black to white VERY quickly...
Department of curtains and soft furnishings?! David stop tlaking about your children in state school, noone ACTUALLY CARES! if you really thought that it would make you more liked youd homeschool your children to make you look better. Take them to eton like you want to. Stop complaining about state schools because alot of them dont get enough money and only one has a massage room according to you and im not sure if i believe you...
"The more thay attack each other the more they sound exactally the same"
Clegg i do love you more and more.
Clegg you lost me. Noone cares about your state school children.
OH YUS MR NARRATOR MAN. They have forgotten the question, maybe they need it spray painted on david camerons face to notice it properly.
Do the people in the audiences have shiny heads to entertain the other two men while one is talking?
KASHA: No the people in the audiences have shiny heads so David Cameron can look at his reflection
Gordon and David have realised they have made Nick look good and are now attacking him like a crow attacks a blind dog...
dear god hes serious.
Today if a soldier dies, the world got told. In world war one/two if a soldier died there family barley got told.
Why do they need to see the person that asked the question? to see if they need to be raceialy sensative or not?
Sutter stutter stutter. Please stop acing like you havent perfomed these questions hundreds of times before in a mirror and get on with it.
Gordon, your answer does not satisfy the question. Why are we in afghaistan?
Doesnt them calling it gorrila warrfare makes it sound call...
Clegg wants more reviews! Gordon wants comfyer shoes.
Can britain sign this nucluer getting rid off stuff that obama is pushing on countries?
Did David go to Afghan? i dont remember this, do you?
doesnt gordon sound cool quoting all these funny names for warfare vehicles.
Gordon brown: David cameron will not get you what you want!
David cameron: Gordon brown will not get you what you want!
Nick clegg: dum de dum de dummmmmmm
Do women normaly write to primeministers saying you saved my life because you made something that was already working work?
when will gordon brown realise that just because he SAYS that nick clegg agrees with him doesnt make it so
Please stop talking about gordon brown great big black hole.
Im actually lost about what they are talking about... They are like a rowboat with one brokan ore, they are going in circles.
No Nick none of you do have a real solution, Thank you for playing try again next time.
Okay i gave up and changed to bones.
But still i want to hear Nick clegg again, hes turned into a slight fun sized companion of mine.