Thursday, 22 July 2010


I bought this spindle pack of that gave me a spindle aswell at 500g of different colourd merino and 10g of hand dyed silk, which just so happened to be pink so i was exttreamly happy.
Ive been spinning up the white merino into two little mishapen balls of odd sized wool and then i plyed them, this i was also extreamly happy about because i have never plyed anything before. It was annoying. But that might be because i was doing it on a spindle and everything kept on snapping, but anyway here is my first ball of plyed wool!

And now it wont align it self left again... so central aligning!
My gran also bought thi mordant pack and we have been dyeing this naturaly like with wode and weld and random colourful leaves and onion skins!!

Yer thats a load of onion skins boiling...
Anyway i prefer dyeing with viniger and food colouring as it gives all together brighter results, like in this rainbow wool.

And i shall leave you with that.

Thursday, 22 April 2010

Email to our dear cleggy!

Dear Mr Clegg,

I am a 15 year old living in a small village in central Devon, and am currently in the process of convincing my parents to vote for the Liberal Democrats. Since both of my parents work full time I am the only one in the house who has been following the debate, and have just finished watching the second televised debate. After watching these debates I have decided that if the Liberal Democrats came into power then it would be the best option for the future of England. However, Central Devon has become a very Conservative place to be. Driving along the lanes and going through the series of small towns that lie here there are at least 15 Conservative posters for every single Liberal Democrats poster. But Mr Clegg what you have done is captured the younger generations imaginations. Within school today we discussed the election and in most of the classes, the majority believe that the Liberal Democrats would be better in government than either Labour or the Torys. So even if, unfortunately, the Liberal Democrats do not make it into parliament this year you can rest assured that if you keep on going as you have you can be sure that in the years to come that you will have a strong following. I know personally that if more Liberal Democrat representatives were seen around Central Devon that it could build up more support for now and the future.

Yours Sincerely

Miss Bryony Bell.

Ding Ding Ding round two if the election smackdown.

Tonights plaing is: Cameron, Clegg, then Brown.

Gordons got his tie sorted out! finally!
David cameron: purple. Hes lost faith in himself!
Nick clegg: Yellow. hopefully he has changed that tie...
Gordon Brown: Red! he has decided to like labor again!

Gordon brown "like me or not!" brave thing to say... i think i hear the orpahns hissing at you.
oooohhhhh David camerons forehead is now solid. Given into peer presure i say.
Talking about jobs Gordon, Were have all the enlgish jobs gone?
I mean being in the deep south west i barley ever see anybody not british and white...and when they do they stick out like wind farm in an playpark.
Because black sheep are common here.

Nick Clegg "size does matter!" you hear that guys... its official now.

Gordon brown "these two remind me of my two young boys squabbling at bath time" reminds me of something nick clegg said last week, now now dont be a copy cat!

Has anyone else notied that since the BBC talked baout how Nick gained the upper hand that Gordon and David are using the tricks that Nick used?

Yes they hav all been to afghan. Anyone else think they should spend a day or two on the front line to see how it really is?

David "securing our future for the future" whuuuut....
David has now agreed twice with Gordon, bit of ganging up maybe?

I dont personally see how they can talk about carbon emissions and cutting them down when most of them have been zipping around in helicopters or giant busses with only three people in them all week!
Nick "hold your horses!" love the little motion he just did.

We so should be able to sack politicians! If they cannot do there job properly and make this country better and less corrupt, and less corrupt within themselves then they are not worth a ha'penny to todays world.

Kasha: DC mentions all the minorities he can but if he actually got into power he'd be a british hitler.

Wow Gordons 59! Dya think that next year he will ride the bus for free? Mabe this is why hes worried about state pensions, he wont have enough to pay his for his houses.

They are arguing about eyetest's and leaflets, cant think of anything more important?
OH email Nick Clegg!
Oh yes Nick, this is political ping pong.

Gordon Brown. George Bush. GB coincidence?

I belive that Dr's that enter the country from other countries need to learn to speak slower, because the several doctor that have immigrated because they have high skills i could not understand! Dont get me wrong they saved my sisters life but i would have liked to know what they were saying, and i cannot be the only one!

Gordon, you dont take responsibility for your actions!!!
How is votinf for conservative getting a fresh new leader? its been conservative labour conservative labour blah blah blah blah... for AGES now.

Imma go email him now...

Thursday, 15 April 2010

The ties do tell all.

Watching the election debate on itv tonight.
Tie count.
Nick clegg, yellow. lib dem colour.
David cameron, blu. Tory colour.
Gorfon brown, pink. Just wrong colour.

Forehead movement count!
Nick clegg, minimul movement.
David cameron, full forehead movement.
Gordon brown, no upper facial movement.

Yes Gordon its noticable.

Nick clegg just said that he was in a hospital treating terminal ill babies. When did Clegg become a doctor!? i did not know this either! poor choice of words there, if i had a terminaly ill child a politian came into the building i would change hospitals.

David cameron managaed to change the subject to some womans house is getting robbed---
wait Nick clegg your angry?! plese tell your forehead that.
some womans house getting robbed to him visiting a drug rehab centre, and Brown changed it to his father and brother running a youth clun and helping out a load of children. Where was Brown during this? Somewere playing rugby proberly. Clegg saying he has visited some peoples house who has been burgled.

Get back to the question plese gentleman.
"you cant airbrush these problems like you airbrush your posters Mr cameron" HELL YES GORDON YOU ATTACK HIS SHINY GIANT FOREHEAD!

How is cutting the house of lords going to help anything? Its just going to make it easier to fill it with the primministers bested buddies.

Funny how David will say that libril and labour MP's are still in investigation against the expensive scandles but no conservative MP's.
Slightly fishy i say...

Dear Gordon, if your going to say that someone supports you make sure that they do beforehand so you dont make a doofus of yourself infront of the nation.
Also it makes Nick Clegg look like a confused and partly startled deer.

Ever notice how gordon browns hair goes from white to black to white VERY quickly...

Department of curtains and soft furnishings?! David stop tlaking about your children in state school, noone ACTUALLY CARES! if you really thought that it would make you more liked youd homeschool your children to make you look better. Take them to eton like you want to. Stop complaining about state schools because alot of them dont get enough money and only one has a massage room according to you and im not sure if i believe you...

"The more thay attack each other the more they sound exactally the same"
Clegg i do love you more and more.

Clegg you lost me. Noone cares about your state school children.

OH YUS MR NARRATOR MAN. They have forgotten the question, maybe they need it spray painted on david camerons face to notice it properly.

Do the people in the audiences have shiny heads to entertain the other two men while one is talking?
KASHA: No the people in the audiences have shiny heads so David Cameron can look at his reflection

Gordon and David have realised they have made Nick look good and are now attacking him like a crow attacks a blind dog...
dear god hes serious.
Today if a soldier dies, the world got told. In world war one/two if a soldier died there family barley got told.
Why do they need to see the person that asked the question? to see if they need to be raceialy sensative or not?
Sutter stutter stutter. Please stop acing like you havent perfomed these questions hundreds of times before in a mirror and get on with it.
Gordon, your answer does not satisfy the question. Why are we in afghaistan?
Doesnt them calling it gorrila warrfare makes it sound call...
Clegg wants more reviews! Gordon wants comfyer shoes.
Can britain sign  this nucluer getting rid off stuff that obama is pushing on countries?
Did David go to Afghan? i dont remember this, do you?
doesnt gordon sound cool quoting all these funny names for warfare vehicles.
Gordon brown: David cameron will not get you what you want!
David cameron: Gordon brown will not get you what you want!
Nick clegg: dum de dum de dummmmmmm
Do women normaly write to primeministers saying you saved my life because you made something that was already working work?
when will gordon brown realise that just because he SAYS that nick clegg agrees with him doesnt make it so
Please stop talking about gordon brown great big black hole.
Im actually lost about what they are talking about... They are like a rowboat with one brokan ore, they are going in circles.
No Nick none of you do have a real solution, Thank you for playing try again next time.
Okay i gave up and changed to bones.
But still i want to hear Nick clegg again, hes turned into a slight fun sized companion of mine.

Wednesday, 14 April 2010

Although highly intoxicating, solvents do smell good.

They have recently planted a load of new telegraph poles next to the old ones.... and just lef them like that. The old ones were fine and most of the new ones are wonkey. They are also coverd in some pine tar solvent stuff which smells GOOD. Like petrol really, which is technicaly another solvent.
Booth wearig a farmers cap O.o tis VERY BAD.
Had to say that. sorry.

More photos up at redbubble

Nick clegg wears a yellow tie because he's lib dem.
David cameron wears a blue tie because he is conservative.
Gordon brown also wears a blue tie because he knows he is wrong.

Tuesday, 13 April 2010

Polititian wanted, no qualifications needed.

To be a polotitan you need no experiance, no qualification related to the job, no nothing really.
You dont even need to be nice to look at. Which i think is kinda mean since w have to look at them ALOT.
I mean there was this sky news bill board advert that said "no one gets closer" it then had a GIANT close up of the top right hand of gordons head. This is NOT a pretty sight! no wonder there were no children in sight, probaly ran away screaming.

So i have come up with a simple few step guide to becoming a politician.
1: Get a MP fired, or wait for one to blunder. This should not take long.
2: Say you want to become a politician. No questions asked.
3: Pay someone to write a great speech for you!. Along the lines of "I have a dream"
4: To connect with the community say your from a run down area and went to a school were nothing was just handed to you. (when really you went to somewere like, oh lets say eton)
5: Get into parliment. And sit in one of those oh some cozy seats were you can make other people pay for your stuff.

Monday, 12 April 2010

Left alone by themselves flower pots multiply like bunnies.

I collected everysingle flower pot i could find in my grand lower garden today, because her dogs have a habit of stealing them and taking them PLACES. Yus just places with there gay abandoment issues.
Thats about 30 flowerpots!
And there wernt that many three days ago...

I also decided to take some artsy flower photos today because ive been very creative! also been knitting spinning and generaly being a old fashiond granny.

hehe giant picture that i LOVE.
see some of my other pictures here:

Anyway i was watching the news AGAIN today and i saw that both gordon brown and david cameron have both lost children, my grandmother then said, and yes she really said this! "God its all such a ploy tryng to get us to feel sympathetic so they can stay in power!"
So dead children=getting into goverment!?
Acording to my granny dearest yes.
Yes it does.

Saturday, 10 April 2010

It is far easier to create a mouse/elephant hybrid than it is to kill Barthandelus.

Ok been playing final fantasy for 8 days now and just got onto disk three, i got stuck on this bloody bastard.
He is resistant to everything, stops you from staggering him and can killl you with one move. Destructo.
Which is a pretty cool move! he lights up like a bright chiristmas tree then partly explodes at you.

Anyway, tried to kill him like 5 times and died everytime without even getting his HP down halfway. I get to the point were all the upside down faces that seem to burp magic at you are gone, then you have to face him. He also 'burps' some of his attacks, opening his mouth and shiny lights come out to drain your HP. His attack called Thanatosian Smile is pretty deviestating to, his entire face opens up and lighting comes shooting out at all party members leaving with little HP and some dead.

So to kill this fugly duckling i level grinded for 3 hours to compleatly fill my crysteriam, also playing with paridgrams because i just rush into things without trying stuff first. The most effective group is lighting (rav) hope (rav/medic) and fang (com)  i had it set up so that when Hope is healing fang and lighting are attacking differnt phantom of the opera faces till they kill them, also when all fully healed had Hope casting magic on the face that lighting was attacking.

After all the armour is gone you have to face Bathandelus himself, i used relentlus attack most of the time (rav, rav com) and had hope healing when  nesicary. When this hunk of junk decides to do Destructo he has to warm up first, this is anytime up to 30 seconds. When he is doing this use relently attack constaly and he will stop charging then start again, this means that the attacks power has just halved and you WONT DIE! which is ultimatly very usefull.

After doing that for practically half an hour he actualy died.
I was so shocked because i thought that I had died.
But as it turns out! he doesnt even give you anything very usefull... just 6000 CP which dont even go very far any more.

If i was the animators i so would have made lightnings face look like this after that battle:

OK! thats much better they can all be happy after that.
Because in acttualy fact they wernt happy at all!
Pixles can be so disapointing sometimes.

Friday, 9 April 2010

Odd looks are like LSD, addictive and highly amusing.

Whenever i go out somwere i seem to get many odd looks from people, be it my short skirts, huge sleeves, my talking about people where they can hear me, the bench jumping, the holding hands with other females or just the fact that i went about today clutching a final fantasy game guide like it was my beloved child.
Or the fact that we went to see a movie for children...
and in 3D which made me spin out when the dragon (went to see how to train your dragon btw*by the way*) span aroud and and upside down and  everything span and went weird. Made me feel sick.
This beast did not help either,

That is a very small person holding a very large drink!
its like the size of her head.....

Anyway since it was a kids movie we were sourounded by children under the age of ten, and in this movie theres a cave with dragons piled in it at which point this mini woman thought it apropriate to shout "OMG its like a dragon ORGY!"

yes she said it

People dont apreciate ou brand of fun loving in cinemas, one tins i have found out though! noone tries to stop you from going into the cinema wearing a tophat, which i find amuasing to know.
Dont you find three D glasses cool to wear? of course i have to balance mine on the bridge of my nose other wise the bastards escape and make everything blurry.
They also make you look encrediably gangster dont ya think?
Ha ha thats me being oh so cool.

Why is game such a lads place? i go in there and look at all these games which are full of death and violence and aparently 'hard core' story lines and get looked at like im a freak of womanhood! i find it very judgemental, C (girl with giant drink) does not help running around yelling hannamontanna and saying i scare people. It might be true but i scare them after i talk to them not before. Game staff should be used to gibbring people talking about beating the shit out of boss's on games, and there fore should join in and be helpfull with handy comment and hints.
Like the staff at waterstones!
Waterstones is fun, running around, reciting the alphabet to get to the right authour, people asking if your okay....

When i was in waterstones this child made a noise like a dieing giraffe.
So i told it to shut up.
It didnt.
Children are annoying.

There are no pedofiles in yemen only husbands.

This news story i found slightly disturbing,

Its basicaly about a 12 year old "wife" who died of  internal bleeding after "she had suffered a tear to her genitals and severe bleeding after intercourse," with her 20 year old "husband".
Apearently this is normal in yemen! as a quarter of the girls there are married before he age of 15. This country has managed to advoid the law that says that the minimum age of marridge is 17, as they say it is un-islamic. How is killing 12 year old girls with penis's islamic?!? maybe its something to do with the fact that they believe that all women should be looked after, though i dont see how that could be better really.
Can yemen men go to other countries? because i dont think they should be allowed to! they obviously choose there perspective wifes and might go around measuring up all girls under 15. Although if they did come here they might be arrested so possiably they dont leave yemen....

Thursday, 8 April 2010

It is far more likely that hary potter will turn you into a pumpkin than a politition will answer a qestion.

Since there is a load of hubbabubba about the general elections that are comeing up i thought i would do a blog about it, so imma start by doing a little section on each canidate.

First off, gordon brown.
Is it me does he either look evil or miserable in every photograph that i can find of him. Gordon brown is the man that is primeminister by default, and should have called this election a while ago. He is really the worst one for not ansering questions, he answers with something compleatly unrelated and if i must say comleatly baffling as to WHY he is saying those things.

Now for david cameron.

His forehead needs to pe powderd! or something! its shiny and disracting! Also his haircut seems to be the same one his father had in the 1950's time to change the style. Today he introduced his civil national service policy that he wants to be instated. This is were all 16 year old should do two months of community service, he then went to say how he loved having the opportunities to vounteer that he had while at school. Well sorry mr eton! we didnt all have those opportunities. Then he goes on i say, to tell us thats why he wants young people to do this, so they can have the oppurtunities to learn skills. This was then eliterated by sir micheal cain saying that he understood were these 'inner city' kids were comeing from and that they would love to have these oppurtunities. Well i dunno bout that because torqouy is a bout as inner city as i get but certainly in the countryside there is no such thing as a out of control youth, because theres too much cool sttuff to keep them ocupied! like mud. My take on his idea is to take trouble children and plonk them in the middle of a devonshire farm in  the middle of nowere with barely any connection and make them work. That should sort them out.

Lastly Nick clegg.
Dear nick, WHO ARE YOU?! i dont think i knew you exsisted since now! and what is up with you poster with the GIANT atom bomb?!  it not like its world war three... and do not get drunk on power now mister.
we all know your not gonna win, the best you can do is back either party so they can win.
Should be fun.

lets see if this works now...

Ok i have decided to blog more often!
and to rid myself of some of my other blogs... because i dont like them any more. yes im tempermental like that!!
Anyway its half term so im useeually up my grans most of the time, and now seem to be coverd non stop insheep fluff because of all the spinning. Oh and ive starte weaving again! will put up somme pics eventually but my ohone decided to die on me at midday.
I am now addicted to final fantasy 13. but i have loads of grinding to do before i can defeat this bloody boss batha---something. All i know is that hes an annoying son of a gun.

Wednesday, 13 January 2010

My pledge to Rhiannon and Kasha.

How can you manage to make me laugh WHEN YOU ARNT HERE?!?! because i have NO clue. Im just a freak like that mmkay!!
Yay freakishness.
Dearest rhiannon, i shall not leave you at collage, because then i shall have noone to obsess with. Yes kasha, i like obsessing. Plus im taking geek classes so nobody cool will be in them (including me D= yes GEEK!) and if i do make a freind if they dont like them we will roll a M.A.G.E and
fireball them XD. Plus when we go to uni MSN will become the greatest technology of our lives.
Weirdest kasha. You need to come to rhiannon B-day, i havent seen you since december. Thats to long. And my darling we shall meet up mounthly from now on! i have DECIDED! to go shopping and what not (hahahaha what not...) so yes. When you both come on msn you shall be
attacked with HUGGIUGGLES. because my life would be mirthless without you.

Besides who else would want to be freinds with some one who is obsessive, compulsive, only shows emotions for Tv programmes, laughs at most things funny or not, is whorey and a definae bitch, aparently leads guys on then crushes them, attracts gay dudes, has to have her whole life planned out, doesnt try hard enough in school then crys when the grades are bad,would rather spend all day playing on the xbox than go outside in the snow, wants to cut up dead people for a living, dresses like a crazy lady, has an obsession with wanting to own a sub machine gun and become some form of FBI memer and and and and...... more stuf......

Sunday, 10 January 2010

Snow is falling.

Its been snowing here for basicaly 5 straight days, with sheet ice underneath. So needless to say ive been stuck in the ouse for these five days, normaly this wouldnt be a problem but seeing as i have exams comeing up soon its not good. Theres even work on the school website and im debating wether or not i should do it, i probaly will end up doing at as yet agian i shall be iced in aswell.
Its pathetic isnt it, 5 inches of snow can bring britain to ruins. America can be so much more capeable in these situations, sometimes they are just better. Like the FBI sounds better than the MI5 and they get all the best TV programmes before us englandians... except from the BBC, seeing as it british, maybe we should just all praise the BBC.

Tuesday, 5 January 2010


Why do tv series have to be just that, series which can end be cancelled and have AGES waiting between seasons. I am a series maniac. Here are just a few... invasion, which stopped on a GIANT cliffhanger after the first season, a town called eureka which i think is going to end next season, ugly betty which is still going strong! lark rise to candle ford which is starting again on sunday, bones which i am wayyyy behind on and my newest, giantest obsession of them all
FRINGE, and if you want to look at fringepedia click here... actually dont click as the hyperlink aparently isnt working. Anyway KASHA! can tell you that i am obsessed, i get serious i try to figure out the plot lines before they air, and i SHALL unlock the glyph alphabet. Plus its really got me into the fibinachi sequence, a sequence of numbers where the next number is the sum of the previous two number, i have memorized the sequence until the 16 number and it goes like: 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89,144,233,377,610. 16 is 4 times 4 but that square does not enter the sequence so you cannot make a fibinachi spiral with this square, just a weird square thing.

Friday, 1 January 2010

So. Its january again.

This year i started the New Year by dancing whilst ballons fell around me. Sounds fun right. Well if you were with some your freinds, but i was with my drunken sister who every other second went BRYONY HAPPY NEW YEAR!. So that wasnt fun. I also got ignored by EVERY single person there my age, as i dont fit in with all the other lustleighen teenagers.
But i think i looked good.
But the only people that agreed with me were over 20, so good thing or bad?
yer... Something else im doing to bring in the new year is watching the entire first season of Fringe!! and Peter and Olivia WILL get together, i mean he almost kissed her while she was in a coma at the beginning of the second series before she woke up and screamed in his face.
I actualy think it was this show that really got me into science... and why i really know want to be a forensic biologist, sad i know, but still. Amazing.

Also what i have been doing since chirstmas is playing assasins creed 2 and now i have COMPLETED IT! yes. I rock. This game is in itself awesome, there are brothels robbers cool accents and quite obviously assasination. My favirote technique is jumping of realllllllllllly tall buildings and stabbing someone in the head. Now wouldnt we all like to be able to do that?
Another awesome thing about this is the music that is on the advert for it, to listen click
Another plus to this game is that leonado de vinchi can make you fly. Which we would all also like to do.